What happened to the Northern Ten Tribed Kingdom of Israel? Israel by admin - February 17, 20151 One of the greatest mysteries of all history revolves around the Northern Ten tribed Kingdom of "the House of Israel" and exactly what ever happened to them. The United Kingdom of Israel shortly after the death of King Solomon split into two separate Kingdoms under his son, Rehoboam. Upon his
The Cimbri Israel by admin - February 12, 20140 There appear to be several unrelated groups of people referred to as Cimbri {KMR} in history. One of the most notable groups of Cimbri {KMR} is the one that was living on the Jutland {JD} Peninsula (Cymbric {KMR} Penninsula) about 200 years before Christ. Who were they? Where did they come
What do you mean “Jews?” Israel by admin - February 12, 20140 Who are the Jews? Where did they come from? When you think about the Jews, what comes to mind? Race? Religion? Israel? Or what? Before we can determine the definition of the word "Jews", we must first examine some history. Anciently, Abraham had a son whom he named "Isaac." When Isaac married
Who were the Cimmerians/Welsh? Tribe of Levi Israel by admin - February 12, 20147 Who were the Cimmerians {KMR}? Where did they come from? Does anybody know? The Cimmerians {KMR} SUDDENLY show up in history about 710 BC when they were pushed out of the Russian Steppes by the Scythians {SKD}. Some of them moved into what is now modern day Crimea and in the
Who is the daughter of Pharaoh, the one called Scota? Is she mentioned in God’s Word? Israel by admin - January 13, 20143 Who is the daughter of Pharaoh named Scota? Is she mentioned in The Bible, or is this historical tradition? Let me give a short summary to your question, and then I've covered some matters below more in depth. SCOTA The name 'Scota' is not in God's Word... but she is alluded to as
Lost Tribes of Israel study Israel by admin - January 12, 20141 The scattering by God of the Ten Tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel is a very important study from God's Word. Genesis 49:10 reveals that one from the tribe of Judah would always sit on the throne of Israel until Shiloh (Jesus Christ) come, and then the throne would
How Does Christ Return? Israel by admin - January 12, 20141 There seems to be a lot of confusion about God's coming Kingdom, and especially how our Lord Jesus Christ returns on the future second Advent of Messiah. This confusion about our Savior's return should not be, because Christ's disciples understood the events. Are we to think God didn't tell us?
The Royal Sceptre: The Tearing Down, Building Up Israel by admin - January 12, 20142 The previous Lost Tribe study revealed from God's Word our Heavenly Father's (Yahveh) Promise to His servant David, that one of his seed would always sit upon the throne of Israel, until The Saviour comes to claim it (2 Sam.7; Luke 1:31-33). Genesis 49:10 refers to our Saviour Yashu'a Jesus
The Royal Sceptre: Throne of David Israel by admin - January 12, 20144 Many Christians today who have not been properly taught all of God's Word, are not familiar with the True meaning of the Kingline of David as given in Scripture. We all know the Biblical story of how David slew the giant Goliath, and how he was anointed King over Israel.
The Ten Tribes Move Westward Israel by admin - January 12, 20140 The last Ten Tribes study revealed from God's Word in Hosea, our Father's intent to scatter the 'house of Israel', causing them to forget their heritage as part of God's People, taking on new names and customs and "...hedge up thy way with thorns, and make a wall, that she