The Signs and The Fig tree Matthew 24 Mark 13 Uncategorized by admin - January 12, 2014January 12, 20141 Today, I’m going to begin the topic of the ‘signs’ that Jesus gave us to watch for in the endtime, and then the ‘parable of the fig tree’ that Jesus Himself commanded all Christians to learn in Matthew 24:32 and Mark 13:28. It is specifically this parable that gives
The Tongue of Pentecost Uncategorized by admin - January 12, 20140 This is a study I've been asked to do for quite a while, and a subject which many Christians ask about. The main importance of discerning the 'cloven tongue' spoken by Christ's Apostles on Pentecost Day, as written in Acts 2, is this - What does The Word of God
The ‘deadly wound’ of Revelation 13:3 Uncategorized by admin - January 12, 20143 The 'deadly wound' of Rev.13:3 has stumped many in trying to determine just who or what it affects. Some have thought that mortal wound, and its healing, applied to secular Rome being strengthened in the past by the joining of the political with the ecclesiastical papacy. Some have also tried
Melchizedek, Abraham, and the Old and New Covenants Uncategorized by admin - January 12, 20140 Some who read the various Bible studies here on Word Alpha Omega may feel these studies do not apply to all peoples of all races. Those may think the studies on the Lost Tribes leave out some believers on The Promise first given to Abraham. No believer on Christ Jesus
Asleep in Christ: How are the dead raised and with what body? Uncategorized by admin - January 12, 2014January 12, 20140 The first part of this study in 1 Corinthians 15 revealed how Paul was having to renew The Gospel in the hearts and minds of many at the Church of Corinth. Some there had corrupted the simple understanding of our Lord Christ's Resurrection, and thus the resurrection of the dead
Asleep in Christ: Where Are Those Who Have Died? Uncategorized by admin - January 12, 20140 What happens when the flesh body dies today? Is there a life after that event, and if so, what is it like now? Are those who have died in Christ in some outer chaos state of 'nothingness', with no awareness of anything? Some would have us believe that's the way
For Those Who Feel Turned Away from Christ by Church Traditions and Creeds Uncategorized by admin - January 12, 20140 Maybe you're a person who sees much hypocrisy among various Church systems of man today, so you delay in coming to Christ? It could be that you saw this apparent hypocrisy while being raised in a certain Church when young? Possibly you have a hard time understanding there are those
For Those Who Feel Too Guilty To Come To Christ Uncategorized by admin - January 12, 20140 Many feel, because of their bad habits and sins they commit in their lives, that Jesus Christ would never accept nor forgive them. Some who are ready and willing to accept our Lord Jesus as Savior, feel they must get their lives under control before they can come to Him.
Who Can Save Us? Uncategorized by admin - January 12, 20140 This is a question each professing Christian needs to resolve for theirselves in these latter days. It is yet again a time today to test the spirits, as the Apostle John said, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false
Bible Study Tools Recommendations Uncategorized by admin - January 12, 20140 There are several important tools for the English speaking student which will help in getting the most accuracy from The Word. These tools are necessary for the serious student. The goal is what The Old and New Testament Manuscripts teach, not just only the many Bible translations based on