The Family Friendly Internet Filter for Safe Surfing! Uncategorized by admin - March 19, 20130 A good internet filter is one of the greatest tools to protect your family and enhance their Christian living. These filters provide protection against all sorts of attacks from outside sources, one of the greatest of these threats is pornography. Pornography assaults the viewer in such a dangerous way because
Should Terri Schiavo live or die? Uncategorized by admin - March 19, 20130 My response to Neal Boortz on the Terri Schiavo Case Well I just read an article on by Neal Boortz called, "Because she's earned it" and it really fueled my fire even more. First, I suggest you read his article here: Neal Boortz weighs in on Terri Schiavo Then I
Evangelism Explosion Uncategorized by admin - March 19, 20130 There has definitely been one over the last one hundred years in the church, but the question we ask in the title above is one worth our honest exploration. Has the evangelism explosion the New Testament church has been involved in been a true success, a marginal success, or a
Christian Politics is a Conflict of Interest to Many Uncategorized by admin - March 19, 2013March 19, 20130 Christian politics is a conflict of interest to many... Christian politics, Christians and voting, Democrat, Republican, or Independent, separation of church and state, Christian voters guides the great subjects many in the church treat like the plague...and something many Bible believers feel they cannot or should not discuss or hold
Articles of Faith to Promote Stable Christian Living Uncategorized by admin - March 19, 2013March 19, 20130 We strive to continually provide you with fresh topics that are relative to Christian living in the present. We also strive to use rightly divided scriptural truth to provide the best guidance and advice for better Christian living. These pages include articles about Christian politics, evangelism explosions, and Iraqi religion...with