Home School Curriculum Uncategorized by admin - September 15, 20120 Break Through the Barriers with Awesome Christian Home School Curriculum The Home School Curriculum Source.... Your Christian home school curriculum should do more than simply provide an average education. It should adequately assist you in your endeavor to insure your children get the best education possible from a solid Christian perspective.
Pros and Cons of Abortion Uncategorized by admin - September 15, 2012December 30, 20121 Pros and Cons of Abortion: Truth or Dare The Biggest No Brainer of Our Day? Should a list of pros and cons of abortion really be necessary for Christians...or human beings for that matter? I mean, have we really reached a point where we cannot tell that abortion is murderous no matter
Conservative Politics Links Uncategorized by admin - September 15, 2012December 30, 20120 Real Christianity? Resources to inspire the passion of stable Christian Living! Welcome to our extended Christian link directory. Please note: We cannot be held responsible for all content at each of the sites we link to since we do not maintain them, although we do try to ensure that our visitors
Judge Not? Uncategorized by admin - September 15, 20120 A Verbal Exchange Regarding Jesus and "Judge Not" "Judge not" is one of the most common objections that people tend to raise when Christians witness to them. It seems that this is one of the few phrases some people have either read or heard about in the Bible. Or could it
Ten Commandments, Christian Politics, Constitution? Uncategorized by admin - September 15, 2012December 30, 20120 Chris Rebuts a Visitor's Argument Against the Ten Commandments, Christian Politics, & the Constitution On 5-23-05 a website visitor gives me down the road about the Ten Commandments, Christian politics, and constitutionality...and I respond. Here are both sides of the conversation... An email from a man named Doug: Dear Mr. Long, Recently I stumbled
What people are saying Uncategorized by admin - September 15, 20120 What People Are Saying To Us Is Important We thought you might like to know what people are mailing in to us. Statistics are great, but one of the best measures of how we are doing on the net is what our visitors say. If you take the time to shoot
Nakedness or Nudity Uncategorized by admin - September 15, 20120 Is Nakedness or Nudity Alright... Or is it sinful Nakedness "I would like to know some of your views on homosexuality, nudity, pre marital and extra marital sex, and marriage?" A college student recently asked us this question. She is writing a college paper on the subject and here is our
Islam, Mohammed, Muslims Uncategorized by admin - September 15, 20120 Is Islam the True or a False Religion? Islam, Mohammed, Muslims .... Islam is a religion that has been on the world scene for quite some time now. Mohammed and his followers started out to conquer the world and today they are still on the march to that end. Based on
Pro and Cons of Gun Control Uncategorized by admin - September 15, 20120 Shooting Straight Pro And Cons of Gun Control....Both Sides? Do pro and cons of gun control actually exist or is one a myth and the other directly linked to common sense? I think that common sense combined good background research should help each person determine the truth about gun control, thus
Interpreting Scripture Uncategorized by admin - September 15, 2012March 19, 20130 Sixteen Simple Rules to Interpreting Scripture Interpreting scripture doesn't have to be hard. If you are a real believer then you have God's Holy Spirit living inside you to teach you and to guide you, but be careful....there are also evil, demonic spirits that would love to feed you subtle lies